
Listen to Streaming Music Online

What is is a free online music streaming and discovery service with the goal of connecting you to music perfectly matched to your tastes. We make it easy to explore a whole universe of music to find new bands and artists to enjoy.

Presto is developed by a couple of guys who just love music. We wanted to make a tool that could take the hard work out of finding new music and artists. A tool easy enough for our parents to use and enjoy - a music application that just works.

We're based in Australia and love listening to both niche and local artists, so that usually means even when international music services let us listen they don't have the music that we want to hear. We needed a tool that could deliver music from the biggest artists on the planet to the local garage band down the road - a tool to help listeners easily discover new artists and help musicians reach a world of new audiences.

We hope you enjoy the ride.
Team Presto

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