Orange: Future self

 If you’ve ever wondered about the future, then you’ll love this from Orange! It’s called #FutureSelf and the campaign site uses some pretty cool tech to allow users to meet, speak and discuss the future 20 years from now! 

Orange is inviting people to engage in a first of its kind technological journey 20 years down the road to meet and speak with one’s future self, using a host of digital enhancement technologies to re-imagine the user’s 20-year older self. 

It included; Faceshift (facial motion capture software) used on live actors to enable Orange to track and replicate facial muscle movement. Then using a combination of 3D rendering, ageing simulation browser technologies like Google’s speech API and WebGL, a ‘living’ speaking version of your future self appears, ready to have a conversation with your curious present self via webcam. 

Users can ask themselves a variety of questions, anything ranging from the personal – love, children and money – to the more outlandish, like the current state of the Justin Bieber or the number of robots in your family. It’s highly intelligent, and a lot of fun if you ask the right questions. Enjoy it here!

source: digitalbuzzblog


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