Eat This Much

Put your diet on autopilot

Eat This Much automatically creates meal plans with your personalized nutrition targets, food preferences, and budget, and then sends them to you every week with a grocery list.

 It can cater to most diet types, including Atkins, paleo, vegan, zone, and many more via the extensive options menu.

A How-To Guide to Eat This Much

1. Figure out what your goals are. Do you want to lose weight or gain weight? This will probably be obvious to you.

2. Use a calorie calculator to estimate how much you should eat. You can find one by clicking "Not sure?" under the calorie input on the generator page.

3. Craft a meal plan! See the FAQ for help on using the generator. The most important factor in gaining or losing weight is total caloric intake, but there are many nuances to consider when it comes to macronutrient distribution. See the nutrition references page for more information. Remember - the best diet is the one you will actually follow.

4. Either follow the diet exactly or use it as more of a guide. Err in the direction of your goals. Your results will likely reflect your effort.

5. Exercise is important in controlling your weight and health in general. Use this program picker to find a good workout plan. If you're trying to gain weight, intense physical exercise (such as weight training) is absolutely necessary to make sure you don't just get fat.

6. Stick with these programs until you can manage your diet and exercise without them. Given some time, controlling your physical health will become second nature. Or if you're like me and like never having to think about what to eat, keep using Eat This Much!

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